IFIP TC 7 / 2013 - Proceedings

All participants are cordially invited to submit a paper to the proceedings of the conference. They will be published in a special volume of the Springer series
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
with the title
System Modeling and Optimization
that will be edited by Christian Pötzsche, Clemens Heuberger, Barbara Kaltenbacher and Franz Rendl. All papers are limited to 10 pages and will be reviewed by anonymous referees. 

The Deadline is now over;
submissions for the proceedings of the conference is definitely closed.

Submissions must be sent as soon as possible to the conference email address (ifip2013@aau.at).

A single copy of the special volume, when edited, will be sent by Springer to all the participants. The period for editing the volume will last about 6 months.
Information for contributing authors
Springer would like to draw your attention already now to Springer’s LaTeX macro package, which you should use in due course for the preparation of the final version of your manuscript. The easiest way for you to get hold of the macros is to click on this link. A sample file can be found here. After downloading, please follow the instructions given the files llncsdoc.pdf and typeinst.pdf. 

In particular, when preparing your contribution keep these points in mind:
1.    Your contribution should start with a short Abstract of one or two paragraphs.
2.    Please number subheadings subsequently, starting with “1”, also if the first subheading is “1 Introduction”.
3.    Regarding the numbering of figures, tables, equations, theorems etc. please use the same style as shown in the typeinst.pdf (included in the file typeinst.zip).
4.    References: In order to unify the layout of the references of the individual contributions, Springer asks you to follow the guidelines given in Section 5 of typeinst.pdf.

It is also necessary that any contributing author signs the usual Springer "Consent to Publish form". Please, download the form by clicking here, fill and sign it and send a scan of the form by e-mail to ifip2013@aau.at. 

Alternatively you can send the form by ordinary mail to:

Christian Pötzsche
Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt
Department of Mathematics
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt

Thank you very much in advance.