The next
IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization
will take
place in
Sophia Antipolis, France
Monday June 29 to Friday July 3rd
26th IFIP TC7 Conference 2013 on
System Modelling and Optimization
In a
cycle of two years, the International Federation for Information
Processing Technical
Committee 7 - System Modeling and Optimization -
arranges highly regarded
conferences on several topics of Applied Optimization such as Optimal
Control of Ordinary and Partial
Differential Equations, Modeling and Simulation, Inverse Problems,
Nonlinear, Discrete, and
Stochastic Optimization and Industrial Applications.
For information on submission, see call. The
26th IFIP TC7 Conference 2013 will take place on the campus of the
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt (AAU), Austria. The organizer is the
Institute of Mathematics at the AAU.
Conference venue
The registration desk will be in front of HS B,
You can use to find your way around on the campus.
(As search items you may enter lecture rooms, bus stations, restaurants, etc. around the university.)
>>>Program>>>child care
Klagenfurt am Woerthersee
the charming capital of Austria’s most southern province Carinthia, is
located on Lake Wörthersee – one of Europe’s most beautiful lakes –
boasts a great number of romantic arcaded courtyards and a 16th-century
cathedral. The surrounding mountains, sheltering numerous exquisite old
castles, are always within sight.
More information about Austria and Klagenfurt can be found at: