IFIP TC 7 / 2013 - Minisymposia

  • Thomas Schuster, Saarland University 
  • Barbara Kaltenbacher, AAU
"Inverse problems in elasticity"

The identification of unknown quantities from indirect measurements has numerous continuum mechanics applications ranging from the reconstruction of coefficient functions for the characterization of materials to the detection of inclusions or defects in nondestructive testing.

While already the forward model due to general geometries and materials poses mathematical challenges to the analysis and numerics, this is still more the case for inverse problems in this context, due to their inherent ill-posedness.

 The main issues in this context are uniqueness questions, i.e., whether the measured data really determine the searched for quantities, as well as efficient and stable identification methods, including fast solution of the corresponding forward problems.

 The aim of this minisymposium is to bring together experts on  these aspects, and to allow for fruitful discussions on topics in the scope of:
  • identifiability
  • efficient forward computations
  • reconstruction algorithms and their convergence analysis
  • applications
  • for inverse problems in elasticity.